Bee bots

for Monday mashup I did bee bots these are tiny robots for kids to program there really fun we made a maze and tried to program it but sadly we ran out of time to fix the programming  we got so close but also kind of far but it was only the extension of the road so I think we did good here is our plans

On Fridays my class have been doing action stations. Action stations are where all of the teachers run different groups . That we get to pick an activity and do it for the rest of the term. I picked stop motion. If you don’t know what stop motion means it is where you take loads of photos. Of something slightly moving. Then you put all the photos together to make a video. Most of the time we make the videos pretty short but they still take ages to make. My and my group’s stop motion is about a boy who finishes his work but then he goes out to break with his food even though he is not allowed too. In the end the teacher sees him put his food wrapper in the bin so he gets into trouble.  

I had so much fun and I loved it and I recommended trying stop motion it can get hard but it is still fun. Here is my video.

Life Education

last week my class went to life education it is a traveling van that help’s you take care of your body the people in there’s name is Jo and her giraffe friend Herald at the end of our first lesson Herald tolled us jokes it was fun in the next lesson thow we had to look inside the human body I found it grosse but everybody else voted for it so we did  at the end of that lesson we had a dance party did you know that the heart is in the middle of you but normally leans to the left.


In Monday mash up some of us have been doing dance one safety rule is that if standing on someones back unless your partner says never stand in the middle of their back. we had group that we would make up dances with my group was called the Irish dancing group even though two of us could Irish dance one of us was not aloud too and the other two did not know how too so we made up dances with two people Irish dancing aka me and Aillia and three people doing the crises cross aka mahalia Emilie kahlia