
For art we have been making a Siapo patron. Siapo are a type of samoan tapa cloth.

For my Siapo patron added two patrons together the two patrons were Fa’a aveau and Tusili’i otherwise known as starfish and small or wavy lines. my patron kind of looks like sunbeams hitting the ocean.

have you ever seen a Siapo before

Chinese New Year

Chinese new year is the start of the year for the chinese it is a big celebration. People travel all over the world to be with family. It last 15 days. It has many traditions like spring cleaning to sweep away the bad luck. Chinese new year usually begins around the 21st of January and ends the 20th of February. Traditions last 15 days and then end. There are many family gatherings in the chinese new year.

The first few days of the festival begins with preparations like cleaning the house to sweep away bad luck. Houses are decorated with red lanterns, banners, and paper cuttings for good fortune. People wear red clothes because red is a lucky color.

During the festival there are many family feasts. All the foods represent different blessings like dumplings represent wealth like the money because they look like the old chinese nuggets and longevity noodles represent a long and healthy life. Fish sibilise ambidance or something like that. As you can see food is chosen very carefully. On the 14th day they only eat vegetarian food so they can rest the stomach. children or unmarried adults receive envelope filled with money called hongbao for good luck.

To finish the chinese new year they have a lantern festival, dragon dances, lion dances, and a the very end they stay up till midnight and then watch the fire works.

I believe that Chinese new year is  is a great way to celebrate culture and religion it brings love, joy, respect, happiness, success in the new year, and luck!

Hundertwasser Art

For art we have been doing Hundertwasser art. Hundertwasser was a creative austrian artist whose full name was Frederick Hundertwasser.

Hundertwasser art is really fun to do because it is meant to be imperfect. It is not too hard to do. I made my Hundertwasser art by:

  1. I had to draw a line about two thirds up it doesn’t have to be perfect.
  2. Draw some tall and some short rectangles .
  3. Add detail to your houses add roofs windows and any other detail to your houses .
  4. Add another layer of houses and castles and things like that you can also add lolly pop trees.
  5. After finishing your details on your landscape use oil pastels and coloured pencils don’t use lots of oil pastels.
  6. Finally use watercolor paints to color in all things that need to be colored in you can also add texture.
  7. You’re done enjoy your lovely art!

Hundertwasser art is a fun and calm way to spend an afternoon I love doing it and think that this is something everyone should try!






waitangi weekend

For waitangi weekend I went to akaroa. I went in my grandma’s campervan. Me, my dad and my dog went. There were lots of people trying to see the prime minister. After looking for the prime minister, me and dad got hungry so we got some fudge. We didn’t finish all the fudge so I get some for lunch! Then we went and sat in the rose garden and ate fudge it tasted so good. Well we were eating fudge I dropped my water bottle and it broke so now I’ve got an even better drink bottle. That night I stayed at Robinsons bay. Robinsons bay is quite pretty but cold. The next morning we got up and drove to akaroa where we got waffles they were so good.

Week 2 Reflection

This week in Tāwhirimātea, we have been getting to know each other by circle time.


Someone new I have met is caitlyn.


The RISE value I have shown this week is empathy when I cheered people on.    


Four of the rules in Tāwhirimātea are:

  1. No gum.
  2. No shoes inside.
  3. No yelling inside.
  4. No running inside.


I am looking forward to literacy this year because we haven’t done it yet and I love literacy.


Road trip home 2

Now I’m staying in Taupo a really nice town with lots of things to do and you can see above we went to the geothermal place in Taupo called craters of the moon. Craters of the moon was so cool. I loved it. They had tracks that went really close to the steam but was still safe. A few time there was steam under the track it was really warm. I bought a ponamu necklace from there gift. Geothermal steam is made when there is magma under the earth and water gets so close it gets turned into steam. Have you ever gone to a geothermal place?